Psychosocial Recovery Coach
This is a specialist to help you remove or reduce the barriers that mental illness has put between you and your goals.

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching was added to the NDIS to bridge the gap between having a Support Coordinator to organise your services for you and having to do so on your own.
Our Psychosocial Recovery Coaches will stand alongside you and guide you without telling you what to do, choice and control is in your hands. Not only do they have the training and experience in helping people to get their life back under control, but they’ve usually been there themselves – we think lived experience is an important trait for a successful PRC.

They are there to make it easier (not easy, easier) for you to build and rebuild support, professional, work, family and personal relationships.

Usually, to access a PRC you need to have it in your plan.

Your PRC will spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs, help you to find out about different services and supports and how these can help you, help you get support from mental health services and help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS. They also have access to our inhouse experts on other parts of the NDIS to make sure you get the most from your plan. 


 What we do :

  • support you with being able to live a purposeful and meaningful life.
  • help motivate you
  • help you build resilience
  • help you build (or re-build) community connections
  • overcome barriers and engage in better relationships.